Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Best Guerilla Campaigns

Can't resist sharing some awesome campaigns. Check back in with BENG!Buzz next week for Part 2!

Nikon Paparazzi

The poster was created with lights and interactive sensors. So when commuters passed the billboard, the cameras would flash. Decked out with a red carpet, the billboard had a real paparazzi feel to it.

Fitness First - Weighting For the Bus

A gym chain in The Netherlands wanted to gain some new recruits during a time when most people are thinking about trimming down for the summer. The gyms bought out space at bus stops and transformed the bench into a weighing scale. Anyone sitting on the bench would have their weight in kilos appear on the ad poster. Congrats to N=5 for this innovative piece.

UNICEF Dirty Water Campaign

With a very low budget, this campaign brought awareness to New Yorkers who take clean water for granted. The organization bottled dirty water in 8 different varieties including Cholera and Malaria. The vending machine was placed in a central NY location and people were encouraged to purchase a bottle of water for $1.The machine engaged 7500 passersby