Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Starting 2012 with a BENG!

Happy New Year everyone! So thrilled to be in our second year of BENG! in New York and we are running strong. We had a wonderful year, the highlight being our Best Event Award win for Best Event ROI in Europe. This year is going to be just as great and we are looking forward to all our projects, meeting new clients and making new friends. To get us on the right track for the new year we have updated our brochure and are adding some strategic elements to the BENG!Buzz blog.

It's always good to take some time to reflect on ways to make yourself better. We at BENG! wanted to help streamline the "who are we" process and issue a brand new brochure. Take a peek - you will learn all about who we are, what we do, and what we believe in.   Check out our new brochure here.

You know how we always like to share our industry knowledge right? Well, we will be producing BENG!HotTopics for our friends, readers and clients. The HotTopics will be based on what we think the key concerns, concepts, ideas, and topics of interest are in our industry. The Brand Marketing industry changes quickly, and we want to make sure you keep up with all that is new, hot and happening. Check in with BENG!Buzz and make sure not to miss our articles!

Want to stay up to date with all things BENG!? Visit our website, join our mailing list below,  and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Here's to an amazing year!


Nicole Nelson
Co-Founder & Managing Director