As part of its Green Box Project, beer brand Becks plans on turning everyday locations into pieces of art - essentially making the world your personally art gallery. The beer brand has commissioned independent artists, designers, musicians, and fashionistas to have their works virtually scattered around cities around the world. Each piece is marked by a Green Box and can only be seen using an app that can be downloaded to your smartphone.
There are currently 30 Green Boxes around the world - Miami, NYC, LA, Rome and Milan. There are some surprise virtual locations too - recently some users were surprised to see red flames coming from the Statue of Liberty's torch when they scanned it with the app.

Get the app, and keep it handy as you travel through the city. Report back to us with any non Green Box marked pieces. We would love to get a map going of all the locations!
Here is a video explaining the campaign and the app:
[via PSFK]