Monday, November 14, 2011

6-Story Microsoft Windows Phone in NYC - Revisited

So, last week I posted on the 6-story Windows phone that was being constructed at Herald Square in NYC. At the time it wasn't clear as to what the promotion would be about. Now we know it was to coincide with their launch several of their new smart phones.  As all Marketers know, you can't just build a huge object and hope that the public will "come around" and start buying your project. You need to create a program, something to draw the public in, engage them, inspire them ... and then finally convert them.

Microsoft launched their program last week. Check out the video below. It is a Mash Up of their promotion. They had each slide on the phone become an activity piece. They had Fruit Ninja reenacted by actors, a 7.5 minute makeover, musical acts, dance acts, an exercise work out and so much more. Herald Square was buzzing with pre-holiday tourists and shoppers - which meant they got a great captive audience to watch their promotion.

I would love to hear from anyone who saw a part of the program to hear whether there may have been enough info on the phone to help convert the audience members into customers. Let me know if you were there!