Showing posts with label Musical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musical. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Best Tweeshes!

Thank you to Simply Zesty for finding this great campaign. Millions of Tweets are sent around the holidays, and this year Belgian agency VVL BBDO decided to bring the wishes together and turn them into a melody. Wanting to start 2012 on a high note, the agency created a campaign to unite people all over the world.  Best Tweeshes were user generated messages that ended with the hashtag #tweeshes. Anyone sending a new years message ending in the hashtag would automatically contribute toward a crowd sourced musical piece based on their location across the globe. Each Tweet was assigned a different musical note, and when played together it turned into a very unique melody. Check out the Best Tweeshes website and listen to the music created!

[via Simply Zesty]